Analyzing the Language (Techniques) of a Documentary.

Skills — The purpose of the assignment is to help you practice the following skills
Using multiple methods to frame analysis
Using multiple outside sources to help with analysis
Incorporating (quoting) from outside sources
Fully developing and organizing a longer essay (5 to 6 pages)

Knowledge — This assignment will help you become familiar with the following:
Ethos, logos, and pathos
Techniques used by directors/producers
Directly applying a method to analysis

Task: Write an essay analyzing how a director leads the viewer to believe something about the person, persons, groups, or event depicted in the video:

Choose a feature-length documentary (These usually fall in the 60 minutes or more range. Do not choose a docudrama, mockumentary, or series. You may not use the film viewed in class as part of this unit or the sample essay.) The more specific the representation the easier this assignment will be. You might start with a documentary that you have already seen, or you might start with a group, culture, or event and then find a documentary that focuses on it.
Identify the director’s purpose: What are they trying to persuade the audience to think, feel, or believe about the subject? (This will be your thesis for the essay.)
Use one or more of the following appeals (methods) as part of your analysis to show how the director affects perception: Burke 254
Use Chandler’s “The ’Grammar’ of Television and Film” to identify specific techniques used by the director(s). Quote from the text to assist with the analysis.
Analyze how the appeals and techniques assist the director in his or her purpose

rubric –

sample essay –
follow this and do all 3 pathos,logos,ethos or just pick 1 or 2 but follow
General Outline of an Essay #2 Paper
*Yours may look slightly different.

Thesis — How the director is using techniques to persuade the audience to think “x”

Technique #1
Exhibit (Example from movie where/when technique is used)
Connection back to thesis
Technique #2
Connection back to thesis
Technique #3
Connection back to thesis
Technique #4
Connection back to thesis

Technique #1
Connection back to thesis


Technique #1
Connection back to thesis
Technique #2
Connection back to thesis

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